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fixing to

alt. (label en Southern US Appalachia and AAVE informal) going to; preparing to; about to. phr. (label en Southern US Appalachia and AAVE informal) going to; preparing to; about to.

Usage examples of "fixing to".

First his brother Grant bringing home a bride, and now the marshal fixing to propose under the shooting fireworks lighting up the sky.

I never said I'd be able to c you all the way back to Denver with me, and I ain't even fixing to cross the river till I check just a few more angles out.

Surratt said when I told him I was fixing to go South and join up with the Confederate Army.

Feller running his mouth all the time, I done this and I'm fixing to do that&mdash.

And that was a big day, because just shy of noon when I was fixing to set up to table, the Tinker came along the trail.