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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fissiparous \Fis*sip"a*rous\, a. [L. fissus (p. p. of findere to split) + parere to bring forth: cf. F. fissipare.] (Biol.) Reproducing by spontaneous fission. See Fission. -- Fis*sip"a*rous*ly, adv.


a. 1 factious, tending to break into pieces 2 Causing division or fragmenting something (often appearing in the collocation "fissiparous tendencies"). 3 (context biology English) Of cells that reproduce through fission, splitting into two.

  1. adj. reproducing by fission

  2. having separated or advocating separation from another entity or policy or attitude; "a breakaway faction" [syn: breakaway, separatist]

Usage examples of "fissiparous".

The hero and heroine of the story, named Arg and Gogogoch respectively, tried to smash their machine at birth, but this resulted only in fissiparous replication of the monster.

The hero and heroine of the story, named Arg and Gogogoch respectively, tried to smash their machine at birth, but this resulted only in fissiparous replication of the monster.