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n. (plural of firstborn English)

Usage examples of "firstborns".

Thy guess concerning the firstborns is a shrewd one, yet except for me, I think it speaks of no one here .

And their firstborns in turn renewed the pledge and took up the weaponry skills: slings for the buccoes of Small Urus, knives for the dammsels of Little Riatha.

It became a tradition for the firstborns to copy that record, just as I copied the one made by my dam, and she hers, and so on back to the time of Petal herself.

And came the day when Rael spoke a prophecy, and Riatha journeyed to speak of it to Pebble and Petal, the Waerlinga grim with the portent, yet pledging to instruct their firstborns down through time.

And even as they stood up to their knees in the sliding shatter, stood in that fragmented golden glow—Elfess and buccan and damman, Riatha with the Lastborn Firstborns at her side—overhead the Eye of the Hunter streamed crimson through the sky.

People in those days went through a lot of firstborns: there weren't other forms of contraception.

If my theories smack of a substitute religion, then logically scientific firstborns, whose embryos were theories, must also have been "substitute religions" to begin with.

Perhaps the threat of kidnapping firstborns would make the farmers produce better crops.

They were treated like firstborns by unit commanders-in fact, most unit commanders were flyers, even if the unit had no direct flying commitment.