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The Collaborative International Dictionary

first-year \first-year\ adj. Being in the first year of an experience especially in a U. S. high school or college; -- of a person.

Syn: freshman.


adj. used of a person in the first year of an experience (especially in United States high school or college); "a freshman senator"; "freshman year in high school or college" [syn: freshman]

Usage examples of "first-year".

And of all the first-year cadets in this room, you and the other two cadets have the brightest red coloring from the central nervous system.

Cassi had not decided to switch from pathology to psychiatry until after the beginning of the medical year in July and had only been able to do so because one of the first-year residents had quit.

The Carrows seemed to know I was behind a lot of it, so they started coming down on me hard, and then Michael Corner went and got caught releasing a first-year they’d chained up, and they tortured him pretty badly.

The first-years from Bringham House received demerits to march off, as did a number of the second-years.

Gilchrist had had to tell her all over again how the Domesday Book worked, as if she were a first-year student.

Even when they'd been doolies, first-year cadets, and normally regarded as lower than the low, there had been something about Joe Mackenzie that had kept the upper-classmen from dealing him too much misery.

That meant the first-years must have crossed the lake and reached the castle, and sure enough, a few seconds later, the doors from the Entrance Hall opened.

Timothy Wang, a friend of Kathryn's and a first-year cadet in several of her classes, was poised at the podium, beginning his lecture on the fluid dynamics of space shuttles in a thin atmosphere.

Clearly not, or Gilchrist wouldn't have used a first-year student in the first place.

He hadn't asked him to run the net until two days ago, when he'd found out from Kivrin that Gilchrist was intending to use a first-year apprentice.

Sassinak could tell they were impressed, though she had trouble keeping her eyes off Lunzie's face: she hadn't wanted to stare like that since she was a first-year cadet.

But that means that only first-year men and a few specials can live in college, so I am in digs, and have secured a very nice set of rooms virtually on the college doorstep.

Peabody's duty that a first-year boy was dangled by his heels from the yawning portal of the fourth-floor laundry chute.

All this was basic, first-year study, but it was one of his dreams to turn the language of alchemy into something any learned person could understand.

I believe this essay should be required reading for first-year students in all military academies.