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n. (attributive of first floor English)

Usage examples of "first-floor".

Later, after two trade union officials had arrived at the Bethnal Green factory, Misses Mavis Percy, the chargehand of the first-floor workshop of machinists and seamstresses, came to see Tommy.

He thought his reliable first-floor chargehand looked as cross as if her bosom itself had been poked.

They paused by the first-floor bathroom: a pedestal sink, a wonderful clawfoot tub, but no shower.

Meeting Lamont Cranston in the spacious first-floor hallway, he conducted his friend up a grand staircase to a very large study on the second floor of the huge mansion.

A first-floor light in the house across Brainerd lights up and backlights a figure in a sort of suit and metal wheelchair sitting right up next to the window in the sideways way of wheelchairs that want to get right up next to something, scanning the street and Nuck-swarmed yard.

Madame Mantalini's shows-rooms were on the first-floor: a fact which was notified to the nobility and gentry by the casual exhibition, near the handsomely curtained windows, of two or three elegant bonnets of the newest fashion, and some costly garments in the most approved taste.

There were no rows of buzzers beside the door, and the first-floor windows had been securely boarded up and covered with tin.

The depressiveness of the place is but a faint imprint of what a pitiful pit it must have been in the late 1800s, when Joseph Carey Merrick - mistakenly called John Merrick by the showman who "owned" him last - was granted shelter in two of the hospital's first-floor back rooms.

In a corner of a first-floor window a small blue-and-white sign said BOARD AND LODGING.

The darker figure stopped, looking up at one of the first-floor windows, and even at this distance and with no depth of field I could see his awkwardness as he waved his hand.

No one below the rank of Entered Apprentice was allowed beyond the small first-floor Student Reference Library, and Entered Apprentice was a rank Kellen had yet to reachhe was still a lowly Student-Apprentice, not yet allowed to exchange his humble blue robe for one of magickal grey.

He spent all his money in bears, and run in debt for ’em besides, and there they wos a growling avay down in the front cellar all day long, and ineffectooally gnashing their teeth, vile the grease o’ their relations and friends wos being re-tailed in gallipots in the shop above, and the first-floor winder wos ornamented vith their heads.

We stuck a yellow sun, a green dinosaur, and a pink heart on the door of the first-floor bathroom, and a red star and a bluebird on the door of the second-floor bathroom as reminders.

Leaving a trail of what I hoped was mud in his wake, he limped his way like some giant land snail up the stairs to the first-floor room, where he promptly collapsed against a wall.

The possessed made their reluctant way into the starscraper lobbies, and down into the first-floor stations.