Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. (alternative form of firstborn English)
Usage examples of "first-born".
Since the birth of her first-born son, Agata has begun to get smaller.
Since my first-born, Halil, departed for Bassora, I have only written once to learn intelligence of him.
They cried out to the Moloch to accept their rich concecrated gifts of three of their first-born of their loins as an antonement for their moral offences committed in the past.
O music, sweetest, sublimest ideal of Omniscience, first-born of God, fairest and loftiest Seraph of the celestial hierarchy, Muse of the beautiful, daughter of the Universe!
The Hyperborean Olen, one of the oldest symbols of the religious antiquity of Greece, made Love the First-born of Nature.
The first-born child of each of the flying families would inherit the wings of the parent.
This astonished him, and he looked at her, whom he had remembered as buxom and middleaged, now haggard and wrinkled and white haired, and her teeth were yellow snags loose in her jaws, and looking at her thus he saw in a full moment how many and how swift were the years that had passed since he was a young man coming with his first-born son in his arms, and for the first time in his life Wang Lung felt his age creeping upon him.
Yet so strong is the parental ambition among those Polygons who are, as it were, on the fringe of the Circular class, that it is very rare to find the Nobleman of that position in society, who has neglected to place his first-born in the Circular Neo-Therapeutic Gymnasium before he has attained the age of a month.
Manusakas' first-born son Thodores had spent them in violent agita tion.
And from this we may understand that the antediluvians who are mentioned were not the first-born, but those through whom the order of the succeeding generations might be carried on to the patriarch Noah.
When these two cities began to run their course by a series of deaths and births, the citizen of this world was the first-born, and after him the stranger in this world, the citizen of the city of God, predestinated by grace, elected by grace, by grace a stranger below, and by grace a citizen above.
For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren.
Now, though (and Mr Tiverton acquitted himself of snobbery because the district council had since put its eight houses on the market and had even succeeded in selling one to the sitting tenant), the ceremony was for the first-born of young Mr and Mrs Donald Pagetter, who had pots of money and a nice sense of style, and were related to the Lord Lieutenant of the county.
Add to this the violence so often done to the conscience, the forced vocations, feudalism bolstered up by the cloister, the right of the first-born pouring the excess of the family into monasticism, the ferocities of which we have just spoken, the in pace, the closed mouths, the walled-up brains, so many unfortunate minds placed in the dungeon of eternal vows, the taking of the habit, the interment of living souls.
Citizens of cities where Molech was worshipped would carry their first-born children to furnaces and hurl them alive into the searing depths.