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Firre (military)

Family of Integrated Rapid Response Equipment (FIRRE)

The intent of the U.S. Army's FIRRE program is to reduce manpower requirements, enhance force protection capabilities, and reduce casualties through the use of unmanned systems. It consists of a range of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) and associated Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS) to counter terrorist actions in lieu of manned operations. FIRRE's near-term objective is to provide a network of unmanned systems and sensors to support physical security of high-value areas of interest. The long-term goal is to develop a layered force protection system of systems for forward deployed forces that is networked with the future force C4ISR systems architecture.

Category:Proposed weapons of the United States

Firre (gene)

Firre (functional intergenic repeating RNA element) is a long non-coding RNA located on chromosome X. It is retained in the nucleus via interaction with the nuclear matrix factor hnRNPU. It mediates trans-chromosomal interactions and anchors the inactive X chromosome to the nucleolus. It plays a role in pluripotency and adipogenesis.


Firre may refer to:

  • Firre (gene), a long non-coding RNA gene
  • Firre (military)

Usage examples of "firre".

Bulrush, and weake Cyprus, to torment the foulding Vines, to trouble the bending Willowe, and to breake downe the brittle Firre bowghes, vnder the hornes of the lasciuious Bull, as they do in winter.

Vpon the hils grew high Firre trees vnarmed, and the weeping Larix, whereon Turpentine is made, and such like.

Yew trees, wild Pynes, vnfruitfull but dropping Resin, tall pineapple, straight Firre, burning Pitch trees, the spungie Larix, the aierie Teda beloued of the mountains, celebrated and preserued for the festiuall Oreades.

Yew trees, wild Pynes, vnfruitfull but dropping Resin, tall pineapple, straight Firre, burning Pitch trees, the spungie Larix, the aierie Teda beloued of the mountains, celebrated and preserued for the festiuall Oreades.

For that they derived the rule of Columnes from Trees, especially in their proportionall diminutions, is illustrated by Vitruvius from the shafts of Firre and Pine.

Of stree first ther was leyd ful many a lode, But how the fyr was maked upon highte, Ne eek the names that the trees highte, As, ook, firre, birch, aspe, alder, holm, popeler, Wylugh, elm, plane, assh, box, chasteyn, lynde, laurer, Mapul, thorn, bech, hasel, ew, whippeltre, How they weren fild shal nat be toold for me, Ne how the goddes ronnen up and doun Disherited of hir habitacioun, In whiche they woneden in reste and pees, Nymphes, Fawnes, and Amadrides.