vb. (present participle of fire up English)
Usage examples of "firing up".
I fired into the mess, then got to the now unmanned weapon on the wall and began firing up and down the kzin line.
Oh, they were running, but they were using fire and maneuver, running forward to cover then dropping and firing up the hill to cover the next group.
Then he heard rifle-firing up the road and from below came the noise of Pablo’.
It was just Simkins hitting the main switch, firing up the containment/compression lasers in the fusion bottle that powered the vehicle, but for a moment Ortnahme thought the fan he held was live.
Ramage heard another couple of broadsides as he ran and, seeing that the road and courtyard in front of the barracks was clear of Saracens, guessed that King and Payne were now firing up the streets , The barracks was a plain rectangular building with a big double door on one narrow side, which was the nearest The only windows were slits, too narrow for a man to crawl through They looked at first like gun loops but Ramage saw they were too high for that They were narrow, he decided, because they were intended to let in a little air and not much sun He saw that the right-hand door had a small wicket gate and it was open the guards must have fled when the sloops began .
Rourke, leaning into the flame of his cigarette lighter and firing up a cigar, squinted into the smoke and looked at the RCMP inspector.
Hamid worked the physical plant, double-checking the purity of the air and water coming into the facility, firing up the auxiliary power generators, and preparing to take Gaza Station off the local power grid.
The rebel commander may be firing up then killing the engines in a shifting pattern, so that the guns only appear to be moving.