n. (context US English) A fire engine.
Usage examples of "firewagon".
Mirror Lancer uniforms, and that one he had worn on the firewagon trip back to Cyad.
But still it was a good thing that he had heard what the man said, for when the firewagon had carried them as far as it would and had turned them out upon the ground, Wang Lung had ready a plan and he set the old man and the children against a long grey wall of a house, which stood there, and he told the woman to watch them, and he went off to buy the mats, asking of this one and that where the market streets lay.
Behind him, Lorn can hear the rumbling and whining of a small firewagon as it tows the cannonlike those once used against the Accursed Forestalong the seawall road.
The officer who emerges from the lead firewagon to seek Lorn is one of the captains Lorn had met when thanking Majer Weylt the morning Second Company had left Eastend.
Since Biehl has no carriage for hire, not that the firewagon drivers knew, Lorn resumes walking, past the outermost pier, and the brig that bears a dark blue ensign-that of Spidlar, he thinks.