n. Any one of a series of 30 evening radio talks given by United States President http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%20Delano%20Roosevelt between 1933 and 1944.
Usage examples of "fireside chat".
The plastic crackled amongst the flames, and, to add further horror to a conversation which had already been a far cry from a cosy fireside chat, a shrill voice shrieked out from the flames calling for mercy.
The nutcase who hated hackers, who hosted The Barrington Fireside Chat.
He avoided the televised fireside chat or television interview, aware that though these might work in the West, they were not for Russia.
President Roosevelt spoke to Norlund out of the truck's receiver, delivering a fireside chat.
She would be stunned at the idea of substituting a fireside chat for a good hard roll in the hay.
By the way his mouth fell open I saw he was too dumb even for something as simple as that without a fireside chat, so I turned to call to Hewitt and there was Fred Updegraff inside the ropes headed for us.