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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fireproofing \Fire"proof`ing\, n. The act or process of rendering anything incombustible; also, the materials used in the process.


n. A fire-resistant coating or substance. vb. (present participle of fireproof English)


Fireproofing is rendering something ( structures, materials, etc.) proof against fire, or incombustible; or material for use in making anything fire-proof. It is a passive fire protection measure. "Fireproof" or "fireproofing" can be used as a noun, verb or adjective; it may be hyphenated ("fire-proof").

Applying a certification listed fireproofing system to certain structures allows them to have a fire-resistance rating. The term "fireproofing" may be used in conjunction with standards, as reflected in common North American construction specifications. An item classed as fireproof is resistant in specified circumstances, and may burn or be rendered inoperable by fire exceeding the intensity or duration that it is designed to withstand.

Usage examples of "fireproofing".

She seemed really interested, so Cimorene explained about the fireproofing spell.

One was the scroll of spells in which she had found the fireproofing spell, because she wanted to take a more careful look at some of the other charms and enchantments it described.

I’m afraid you’re not going to be able to work on that fireproofing spell of yours tomorrow.

Frowning worriedly, she tossed a pinch of feverfew into the air and recited the verse from the fireproofing spell in case Kazul should lose control of her flame again.

Fortunately the fireproofing spell was still in effect, and neither of them even felt warm, though Alianora lost the ends of her sleeves and Cimorene’s hemline rose six scorched inches.

Her designer William Francis Gibbs, would have been saddened by her mauling but pleased that his fetish for fireproofing had resisted any attempt to turn his achievement into a fiery shambles.

Saunders, president of General Fireproofing Company, a major manufacturer in the field.

They'd only used a small charge, but the cabinet had some special fireproofing liner.

I suppose he had done this more for reasons of prestige than for fireproofing, but the result was the same.