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Crossword clues for firebrick

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The blow pipe extends from the bellows through the firebrick wall of the forge to the bottom of the fire.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

firebrick \firebrick\ n. a brick made of fire clay, used for lining e.g. furnaces and chimneys.


n. a brick capable of withstanding high temperatures without deforming.


n. brick made of fire clay; used for lining e.g. furnaces and chimneys

Usage examples of "firebrick".

When the mantel slid backward into the masonry, the firebricks that made up the rear of the fireplace also slid open, parting in the middle and leaving an opening in the rear of the fireplace that looked almost square, about two feet by two feet.

It smelled of rock and fresh brick and mortar, and the special firebrick and calcinated limestone that lined it.

That and the sudden flexing as ceramic shed heat into the water ripped the iron frames of the firebrick ovens apart like the bursting charge of a howitzer shell, sending them into the backs of the screaming black gang as they ran for the ladders.

He placed a watch glass on a dished firebrick and carefully measured out a small amount of the purple crystals from the up-time 'chemistry set.