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Firbolg (Dungeons & Dragons)

In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the firbolg is a giant.

Usage examples of "firbolg".

The Firbolg behind him collapsed, but the one that had struck down Tristan faced the other riders with upraised club.

Pawldo and Robyn thundered past the Firbolg, but the pair quickly reined in their horses and turned.

The Firbolg, sensing the vulnerability of his enemy, crept forward slowly, his club raised, ready to smash the prince into the ground.

The lunging Firbolg paused, confusion and fear at the strange happening clouding its gaze.

Wide-eyed, Tristan saw the trees and bushes around the Firbolg bend fantastically, reaching for the monster and closing hard curls of wood around its huge limbs.

Again the Firbolg did not awaken, and soon the door stood wide enough for them all to see within.

None of them heard the clattering of hooves, but suddenly the advancing Firbolg gasped and tumbled forward.

The scar-faced Firbolg leader turned and bellowed orders at his minions.

The smoldering coal fire still marked the Firbolg building, sending aloft a permanent smudge over Myrloch Vale.

Thelgaar spit some phrases back at the Firbolg in his own tongue, and Groth turned away from the fire, sulking.

Without waiting to acknowledge him, Daryth again leaped into the fray as a Firbolg came close.

Once more, Tristan pushed forward into the fight, selecting a stupidly grinning Firbolg as his next target.

In moments, the Firbolg died, and the gore on the flagstones grew thicker and more slippery than ever.

As the Beast walked, the Firbolg were called to serve their ancient masterand serve it, they did.

His bulbous nose covered with sweat, the Firbolg scratched nervously at a wart, and bobbed his head in mute understanding.