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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
as good as done/finished etc
▪ The summer’s as good as over.
finished level
▪ They finished level, with ten points each.
nowhere near ready/full/finished etc
▪ The building’s nowhere near finished.
the finished product
▪ The quality of the finished product is all-important.
▪ This method of segmenting, however, can produce a finished article using the cheapest of materials.
▪ Neither could these illustrations just be rough approximations of the finished articles.
▪ It's early days yet, but we're really looking forward to seeing the finished article.
▪ It also provides three levels of stock, i.e. raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. 4.
▪ The movement of finished goods to the sea ports and to London was important.
▪ The main disadvantage is normally the cost of transport for bulky raw materials, or fuel or finished goods.
▪ After my research I found that only the rich countries make weapons and the poor countries simply buy the finished goods.
▪ Answer guide: Raw materials, work in progress, finished goods. 2.
▪ What finished goods are in stock?
▪ What costs and overheads should be included in the work in progress and the finished goods? 3.
▪ At Keyence, it applies to production of the finished goods as well.
▪ Whether this represents a preparatory drawing for the finished painting or a different version of it, remains to be established.
▪ His finished paintings were stored at the gallery, or in a room downstairs.
▪ Varnishing is the final application of a varnish which is applied to a finished painting in order to protect it from pollution.
▪ In rewriting, the spellings can be put right, and the finished piece of work is more likely to be accurate.
▪ The size of shapes I finally arrive at characterises the finished piece.
▪ I have shown pupils examples of my rough work and neat finished products.
▪ The production unit has raw materials coming into the manufacturing process and a finished product emerging at the end of the process.
▪ The Anarak Adventure state that if you are not completely knocked out by the finished product there will be no charge!!
▪ Now you can visit Cadbury World and see the history of chocolate and its manufacture from cocoa bean to the finished product.
▪ Typically for the period the quantity of finished products is far greater than the known examples of production sites.
▪ The finished product though is always worth it.
▪ They can also be asked to test out their finished product by investigating whether it in fact does the job intended.
▪ Other people are bringing in ideas and they are rewarded with commission rather than a free sample of the finished product.
▪ The finished result is like a small cable.
▪ Seve finished second to Johnny Miller and after that I caddied for him until the end of 1979.
▪ Between 1973-77 this wonderful steeplechaser won the National three times and finished second twice - an unparalleled record.
▪ Unseated Waterloo Boy had unseated his rider in this event two years ago and finished second last year.
▪ Village inns such as the Black Swan at Ravenstonedale were used as depots where raw material was left and finished work collected.
▪ It was interesting to see the many impromptu sketches made insitu, often as skilled as the finished work.
▪ When Mr Pullinger first showed his client the finished work the Yorkshireman gasped with delight.
▪ Who is the author of the finished work?
▪ The most important aspect, to my mind, is that finished work is often vastly improved and colour harmony easily achieved.
▪ It could be argued that the finished work is created in part by human author and is part computer-generated.
▪ Rather like the painting of Blackpool Tower, as soon as one end is finished work starts at the other!
have sth ready/done/finished etc
have/be finished with sb
▪ And when he was finished with him there would be nothing left.
▪ But Teravainen went to Yale, and Woosnam was finished with school by the age of sixteen.
▪ I believe that I am finished with the war be-cause I no longer study obsessively the photographs of concentration-camp survivors.
▪ Provided that the other House now passes the Bill in the same form, it will have finished with it for good.
▪ So Duboc finally decided he was finished with Bailey.
▪ We should be finished with that in the next ten days.
▪ We were finished with training camp.
▪ You can avoid this problem by deleting any files in: RAM- as soon as you have finished with them.
have/be finished with sth
▪ And when he was finished with him there would be nothing left.
▪ But Teravainen went to Yale, and Woosnam was finished with school by the age of sixteen.
▪ I believe that I am finished with the war be-cause I no longer study obsessively the photographs of concentration-camp survivors.
▪ Provided that the other House now passes the Bill in the same form, it will have finished with it for good.
▪ So Duboc finally decided he was finished with Bailey.
▪ We should be finished with that in the next ten days.
▪ We were finished with training camp.
▪ You can avoid this problem by deleting any files in: RAM- as soon as you have finished with them.
▪ A young couple moved into the house three weeks after it was finished.
▪ All the packing was finished and we were ready to leave.
▪ If the bank refuses to give us the loan, we're finished!
▪ Looking at the finished product, you wouldn't know it was made from paper.
▪ The finished book was more of a personal diary than an autobiography.
▪ Both are instant daylight process, via a motorised or manual processor, which provides you with the finished image on site.
▪ Glass cleaners are essential for cleaning the glass of finished pictures, so choose whichever brand you prefer.
▪ In the spring of 1970, eight finished films were banned and 12 that were being shot were stopped.
▪ The Cord Maker comes complete with an explanatory instruction leaflet, containing suggestions for using the finished braids and cords.
▪ The tops should be level with the finished surface.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Finish \Fin"ish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Finished; p. pr. & vb. n. Finishing.] [F. finir (with a stem finiss- in several forms, whence E. -ish: see -ish.),fr. L. finire to limit, finish, end, fr. finis boundary, limit, end; perh. for fidnis, and akin findere to cleave, E. fissure.]

  1. To arrive at the end of; to bring to an end; to put an end to; to make an end of; to terminate.

    And heroically hath finished A life heroic.

  2. To bestow the last required labor upon; to complete; to bestow the utmost possible labor upon; to perfect; to accomplish; to polish.

    Syn: To end; terminate; close; conclude; complete; accomplish; perfect.


Finished \Fin"ished\, a. Polished to the highest degree of excellence; complete; perfect; as, a finished poem; a finished education.

Finished work (Mach.), work that is made smooth or polished, though not necessarily completed.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, "consummate, perfect in form or quality," past participle adjective from finish (v.). From mid-14c. as "beautiful, attractive;" 1540s as "refined, choice, elegant;" 1560s as "minutely precise or exact." Meaning "thin in consistency" is from c.1400. From 1580s as "brought to a conclusion." Of made things, "completed," 1833.

  1. 1 (label en comparable) processed or perfected. 2 complete; concluded; done. 3 done for; doomed; used up. v

  2. (en-past of: finish)

  1. adj. (of materials or goods) brought to the desired final state; "a finished product" [ant: unfinished]

  2. ended or brought to an end; "are you finished?"; "gave me the finished manuscript"; "the manuscript is finished"; "almost finished with his studies" [ant: unfinished]

  3. (of skills or the products of skills) brought to or having the greatest excellence; perfected; "a dazzling and finished piece of writing"; "a finished violinist"

  4. having a surface coating or finish applied; "the finished bookcase costs much more than the unfinished ones"

  5. brought to ruin; "after the revolution the aristocracy was finished"; "the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically" [syn: ruined]

Finished (short story)

"Finished" is a science fiction short story written by L. Sprague de Camp, a story in his Viagens Interplanetarias series. It was first published in the magazine Astounding Science Fiction in the issue for November, 1949. It first appeared in book form in the collection The Continent Makers and Other Tales of the Viagens, published in hardcover by Twayne Publishers in 1953 and in paperback by Signet Books in November, 1971.

Finished (film)

Finished is a 1923 British silent romance film directed by George A. Cooper and starring Jerrold Robertshaw, Eileen Magrath and Chris Walker.

Finished (novel)

Finished is a 1917 novel by H. Rider Haggard featuring Allan Quatermain. It is the last in a trilogy about the Zulu kingdom, which also includes Marie and Child of Storm, and involved the dwarf Zikali.

It is set against the background of the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879, covering events leading up to the war, and ending with the death of Cetewayo. Quatermain is depicted as being one of the few survivors of the Battle of Isandhlwana. Like others in the series, several real-life characters appear, such as Cetewayo and Anthony Durnford.


Finished may refer to:

  • Finished (novel), a 1917 novel by H. Rider Haggard
  • Finished (film), a 1923 British silent romance film
  • Finished (short story), a science fiction short story by L. Sprague de Camp
  • Finished (adjective), Daniel Walsh

Usage examples of "finished".

Manfred had spent a great deal of time there, I knew, taking commissions for guns, delivering the finished products, and doing small jobs of repair.

An Adamesque white-and-silver plastered ceiling finished the chilly look in a foliated oval design.

Stockton and two other new delegates from New Jersey, Francis Hopkinson and the Reverend John Witherspoon, famous Presbyterian preacher and president of the College of New Jersey at Princeton, had come into the chamber an hour or so after Adams had taken the floor and was nearly finished speaking.

But in late June, just as the project was nearly finished, a Quincy neighbor on his way through Philadelphia stopped to pay his respects and revealed the whole secret to Adams, who, Abigail was happy to report, responded with a hearty laugh.

A passing tribute to Washington was made before he finished, but of Adams he said nothing.

The President of the Immortals, in Aeschylean phrase, had finished his sport with Portia.

The Great Mosque Ez-Zitouna, begun by the Umayyad rulers in 732 and finished by the Aghlabites in 864.

He did not tell it me all in one piece: the first part of it I had as we walked in soaking rain from Braithwaite to Buttermere, the second part that same evening over a fire in the Buttermere Inn, and he finished it for me next day on our tramp under a mellow September sun into Ennerdale.

The five Allobroges listened attentively, but when Capito finally finished the Gauls hedged, looking timid and wary.

His work was finished in 1067, some thirteen years after Ibn Yasin, the Almoravid ruler of North Africa, had marched southward to invade those lands and had captured Aoudaghast, a tributary city of Ghana.

Mark had finished all his exams, he had received permission to accompany her back to Anaheim for the funeral.

The letter from his wife arrived just after Sir Robert Appleton finished a fine breakfast of fried tripe, grilled beef, and excellent thick soup.

Arabian physicians was the man whose rather lengthy Arabian name, beginning with Abu Bekr Mohammed, finished with el-Razi, and who has hence been usually referred to in the history of medicine as Rhazes.

Aldovrandi at Bologna, as Condivi tells us, Michael Angelo, for the sum of thirty ducats, completed the drapery of a San Petronio, begun by Nicolo di Bari on the arca or shrine of San Domenico, and carved the very beautiful and highly finished statuette of an angel holding a candlestick, still to be seen there.

When Arcas had finished his early-morning tending of the treelings, he longed to follow his heart and explore places that interested him.