n. (context rare English) (l en finger Finger).
Usage examples of "fing".
He questioned Kent about it within a month of his July fing with Lise.
Nway, I had a ver nice time & almost toatly 4got abowt Dartlin & thi jiant brane in bird space & orribl skind heds & fings whot go gididibibibigididibigigi & so on.
Ol ov which mite sound familyir 2 eny studints ov history & juss goze 2 sho that sum fings nevir chainj, leest not when theez pluckin hoomins desined thi orijinil sistim.
He got me 2 sit in a chare in thi centir ov thi rume & startid fiddlin wif sum sorta control fings on 1 ov thi desks.
Has any fellow, of the dime a dozen type, it might with some profit some dull evening quietly be hinted--has any usual sort of ornery josser, flatchested fortyish, faintly flatulent and given to ratiocination by syncopation in the elucidation of complications,of his greatest Fung Yang dynasdescendanced,only another the son of, in fact, ever looked sufficiently longly at a quite everydaylooking stamped addressed envelope?
Ther woz nobodi about but I hid bhynd sum hummin sorta cabinet fings between 2 ov thi trax & wated.
There was the block that had stumbled a mighty movement, and Fung Yu-lan pertained because he had tried to light it with his intellect, without bias, from all sides.
Handy 2 no it woz thare, juss in case fings go rong an/or Mr Zoliparia flufs his line.