Crossword clues for finesses
vb. (en-third-person singular of: finesse)
Usage examples of "finesses".
He's not a particularly good player-he only plays bridge by the way-but quite often he brings off bids or doubles or finesses that are absolutely phenomenal-quite against the odds.
No wonder he brings off these miraculous finesses every once in a while.
On the next hand he and Meyer bid and made a small slam in spades that required two hair-raising finesses, both of which Drax, after a good deal of pantomime and hemming and hawing, negotiated smoothly, each time commenting loudly on his good fortune.
Much talk of no-trump, double finesses, and Sheinwold, whose strateĀgies they were debating.
And that'll get you some time in a cage until your lawyer finesses you out again.
Angelo finesses a warrant for Vinter's 'link records, we're going to find transmissions to and from Atlanta.