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The Collaborative International Dictionary

fine-grained \fine-grained\ adj.

  1. consisting of fine particles.

    Syn: powdered, powdery, pulverized, small-grained.

  2. dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells.

    Syn: close-grained.

  3. involving careful consideration of details and fine distinctions; -- of conceptual schemas; as, fine-grained distinctions.

    Syn: detailed.


a. 1 Consisting of fine particles 2 Having a fine, smooth texture 3 (context figurative English) detailed

  1. adj. consisting of fine particles; "powdered cellulose"; "powdery snow"; "pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding" [syn: powdered, powdery, pulverized, pulverised, small-grained]

  2. dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells; "fine-grained birch" [syn: close-grained]

Usage examples of "fine-grained".

The products of the Japura are sarsaparilla, copaiba, rubber, cacao, farina, Brazil nuts, moira-piranga--a hard, fine-grained wood of a rich, cherry-red color--and carajuru, a brilliant scarlet dye.

We buy things, perhaps a chair carved of fine-grained shatterwood or a beautiful Darghinni hangnest, and we can be certain that the having of it will increase our worth.

But, no, Salley had said, they were made of fine-grained coral, most likely grown in slabs for that exact purpose.

There is one very beautiful specimen of shining white, fine-grained granite aplite, with small, pale red garnets.

It took a practiced eye to distinguish minor color variations in the chalky outer covering that pointed to high-quality, fine-grained flint.

The basalt outcrop contained a gritty rock that flaked poorly, unlike the colorful cherts and fine-grained quartzite tool stone One Who Cries cherished.

A body of water that is incapable of moving even fine-grained silt and mud is not going to move an eighty-ton dinosaur or even a two-hundred-pound dinosaur humerus.

She was pretty - fine-grained teak, carvel-built, as smooth as a dolphin's skin - but Stephen's eyes were fixed on the island ahead, as black and jagged a mass of tumbled rock as could be desired and surely uninhabited, but by no means as barren as he had supposed.

It sweeps away any fine-grained material, including, in time, the solid rock of sandstones and mudstones, but it can’t move the bigger material, like chunks of bone.

Again, her work was much more theoretical, and very much more fine-grained, but after her work with the fusion group in Da Vinci, he had a healthy respect for her ability to help in any problem that involved quantum gravity and the ultramicrostructure of matter.

Reaching into the drive belt casing of the buzz saw, he made a mixture in his handkerchief of sawdust, of the knotty shavings from the lathe, the short curls of the power plane, the fine-grained droppings of the band saw, and with his own hand and no need of an assault from Tulla gave his brush drawings a pimply relief, the charm of which was further enhanced when a part of the superficially blackened wood particles fell off, revealing the white paper ground in mysterious islands.

The most surprising discovery, however, ‘was that a number of the layers were formed of fine-grained, well-assorted sediments, such as are brought down to the sea by rivers flowing from temperate (that is, ice-free) lands .

The Gebel el Dist member is typically described as “made up of fine-grained, well-bedded, ferruginous [iron-rich] clastics [grainy rock] carrying a large number of fossils including vertebrates in the lower levels and an assortment of oysters and other fossils in middle and upper layers.