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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Financially \Fi*nan"cial*ly\, adv. In a financial manner.


adv. Of or referring to finance or money.


adv. from a financial point of view; "this was financially unattractive"

Usage examples of "financially".

Hada Bai An Assamese goddess of wealth, she was also invoked when one wished to financially ruin an enemy.

Their job was to guard the exits and thwart card-counters and cheaters from entering They worked off hot tips and were financially rewarded when they nailed an undesirable.

Were his achievements in the nineteenth century, educationally, morally, financially and otherwise at all commensurate with his opportunities?

The abbey was funded with an endowment that totaled in the millions of euros, funds long ago acquired and religiously maintained so as to ensure that the Order would never suffer financially.

She imagined he was in the middle of some megadeal or complex negotiation to buy a medium-sized planet or financially strapped country.

But that took money, and the invasion had wiped them out financially, taking away their entire equity, and he knew damn well that even after the navy beat the Primes back into their own space Elan was ruined beyond reclamation.

Marcus Aurelius Cotta and his wife, Rutilia, was therefore financially very eligible marriage material, but also possessed great good looks.

Mars was dotted with bankrupt factions, financially captured and transported to the Martian surface by the T-K plutocrats.

By that time, of course, your mother had remarried and was financially secure.

D U S T T 0 D U S T 225 going through a rough time emotionally and financially.

I which had been a chauvinistic touch on his part, since she was financially secure on her own.

Nick had said that he'd see she remained financially secure - I which had been a chauvinistic touch on his part, since she was financially secure on her own.

Caralie swallowed each morsel of information, her heart aching for her sister, who'd once again given her life over to a man, relinquished control both financially and probably spiritually, in an effort to be loved.

Within days after the ill-fated rescue attempt, Clarington had set about destroying Gabriel financially.

I've broken some of the Commandments and bent some others, but being financially honest has never been a problem to me.