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filtered down

vb. (en-past of: filter down)

Usage examples of "filtered down".

The light which filtered down to the ground was less than ideal for growth, which limited the number of plants that could take root in the shadowed earth.

Arilyn's blood chilled as a long, shrill cry filtered down to her through the water.

Frustrated, Picard opened his mouth to speak, but another voice--a woman's, firm but playful, filtered down from somewhere upstairs.

Echoes of meetings occurring in Philadelphia, in which men as stable as the Marylander Charles Carroll were actually discussing revolution, filtered down to the Eastern Shore, but they were not credited, for most of the citizens in towns like Patamoke or on plantations like Devon wanted to remain attached to England.

Staring upward, she could see bright pinpoints of sun high in the trees, but only a muted green light filtered down to the floor.

Finally the word filtered down to me to stop snooping, that certain people in government had taken care of the matter and wanted it dropped.

Faraday asked one day as the thin Snow-month sun filtered down through the forest canopy and she caught Drago watching her from the corner of an eye.

Her sleek naked body gleamed moistly in the hot light that filtered down through the lens of the protective balloon.

Dusty particles filtered down to a cement floor littered with plaster, broken pipes, and charred timbers.

Word filtered down the line that a cyclopian group had indeed entrenched on the eastern riverbank, and it seemed as if the roaring mass of enemies would simply plow over them.

In the early days it had filtered down constantly to coat hands and faces with a film of grit that they hadn't the leisure or water to wash off.

He halted suddenly, posed like a statue at the foot of the stair, staring at the paintings which frescoed the walls, half visible in the dim light which filtered down from above.

Already the word had filtered down throughout the division that the bulk of the Americans they had been pursuing across Germany were already safe and out of reach.