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The Collaborative International Dictionary

filter-tipped \filter-tipped\ adj. having a tip designed to filter the smoke; -- of a cigarette or cigar; as, filter-tipped cigarettes.


adj. of a cigar or cigarette; having a tip designed to filter the smoke; "filter-tipped cigarettes"

Usage examples of "filter-tipped".

He stretched the cramped muscles of his shoulders, lit another filter-tipped Time, and read the concluding paragraphs.

By the time she'd placed a filter-tipped cigarette between her lips I had a flame ready.

She was holding a filter-tipped cigarette and kept one arm crossed beneath her breasts.

Unlike Guillermo, he wore a Western suit, and offered me a Western filter-tipped cigarette—.

There were some movie magazines and a true romance magazine and an ashtray full of filter-tipped cigarette butts.