vb. (context idiomatic English) Of information, knowledge or practice; to move slowly up to other levels of an organisation, or population.
Usage examples of "filter up".
Slowly, carefully, the boy held the tiny filter up to one eye and closed the other.
Though the Center now housed whole battalions of specialists and there was surely no shortage of opinions to be had, the pace of events was too rapid to allow much to filter up from below.
Second and third opportunities came along when the books she'd requested began to filter up from the mailroom, and finally he asked her out and they went to see a film together.
Kathy, who's supposed to be cleaning the coffee machine behind the counter, freezes and stares with one hand holding the filter up in the air like she's never going to move again.
The light level was rising, and shouted orders and the clatter of steel on steel began to filter up from the Red Forge below.
The only way to get anything done would be to take frequent breaks and let ideas filter up from the unconscious, the very unconscious he was investigating.
I finally had to set up a review system, where suggestions had to filter up through channels, and pay additional bonuses to workers' bosses so that they wouldn't squash everything.
Angelo and Grover would eat their dinner together, both content with the silence, listening to the music from the bar downstairs filter up through the cracks in the hardwood floors.
Concentrate on nothing, just let anything filter up, as long as thoughts of pain were repelled.
Glancing down, Simna saw water beginning to filter up between the slats, threatening to submerge his sandaled feet.
The returning galley commander's description had taken nearly a day to filter up the chain of priests and high priests until it hit someone who knew of the human presence on the Plateau.