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film crews

n. (plural of film crew English)

Usage examples of "film crews".

The property consisted of six small bungalows that had once been used to board plantation workers but had long since been converted to housing, laboratory, and office space for Clay, Nate, and any assistants, researchers, or film crews who might be working with them for the season.

He saw film crews moving around the warehouse, shooting various things.

No reporters in different cities around the world, no film crews on location.

Now understand I'd worked with all kinds of film crews but Susan's working methods were a revelation to me.

It wasn't until nearly eleven o'clock that the promised film crews arrived in force.

The case aroused the most intense international interest and the film crews and journalists began flying into Cape Town a.

In Greece, Egypt and Czechoslovakia our film crews were accompanied everywhere by agents of the state security apparatus.

She was a special favourite with film crews, because even though she was an enormous star, she wasn't a prima donna, and knew how to treat everyone with fairness and respect.

A woman whose family had farmed the same land since the eighteenth century was carried from her house kicking and bellowing, to the delight of newspaper photographers and film crews.