vb. (context archaic English) (en-archaic second-person singular of: fill)
Usage examples of "fillest".
Or, indeed, is there no need that Thou who containest all things shouldest be contained of any, since those things which Thou fillest Thou fillest by containing them?
For the vessels which Thou fillest do not sustain Thee, since should they even be broken Thou wilt not be poured forth.
But, as Thou fillest all things, dost Thou fill them with Thy whole self, or, as even all things cannot altogether contain Thee, do they contain a part, and do all at once contain the same part?
But now since he whom Thou fillest is the one Thou liftest up, I am a burden to myself, as not being full of Thee.
Thou canst do all things, art over all things, fillest all things, leaving empty only the sinner.