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filled in

vb. (en-past of: fill in)

Usage examples of "filled in".

Face-to-face discussions filled in nuances no indirect contact could convey.

From all of which we see that the Eastern hemisphere's crescent hollow--of which, I take it, the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Sea depressions are the remains--has been gradually filled in, by the elevation of the sea's bottom, and the extension of deltas from the detrital matter brought from the high interior of the continents by the rivers, or by the combined action of the two.

Sanders himself had filled in the sickening history of the Maroon Gang.

There to starboard, the distinctive hook shape of Main Gumbo, from this altitude a flat outline of white surf filled in with dark vegetation.

He also realized, at that moment, that he had just graciously filled in Lwaxana Troi on the true nature of things, if she was of a mind to have been listening in.

I filled in the time by reading what his paper had to say about McAlister’.