Find the word definition

  1. (context of music English) About or inspired by science fiction, fantasy, horror, science, and/or subjects of interest to fans of speculative fiction; frequently, being a song whose lyrics have been altered to refer to science fiction; parodying. (However, much filk music is original rather than parodic.) n. 1 Filk music. 2 Filk song. 3 # In general 4 # (anchor: n_filk-of)In the construction "filk of...": a filk song written as a parody of, or in the form of and with reference to, another song (which need not itself be a filksong). Compare #Verb transitive sense. v

  2. (context intransitive English) To perform filk musi

Usage examples of "filk".

Her name was Nella, and she had been one of the most famous filks de joie in the colony.

I didn't want to fall into the self-fulfilling prophesy that plagues most filk projects that, “Only 500 filkers will ever buy it, so we can't afford to do a professional job.