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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Filicide \Fil"i*cide\, n. [L. filius son, filia daughter + caedere to kill.] The act of murdering a son or a daughter; also, parent who commits such a murder.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1660s, "action of killing a son or daughter," from Latin filius/filia "son/daughter" (see filial) + -cide. Meaning "one who kills a son or daughter" is from 1823. Related: Filicidal.


n. 1 A person who kills his or her own child. 2 The killing of one's own child.


Filicide is the deliberate act of a parent murdering their own child. The word filicide derives from the Latin words filius meaning "son" or filia meaning daughter, and the suffix -cide meaning to kill, murder, or cause death. "A filicide" may refer both to the parent who killed his or her child, as well as to the criminal act that the parent committed.

Usage examples of "filicide".

In her name, not even matricide, parricide, fratricide, sororicide, filicide, mariticide, or other murders of near and distant kindred were wrong so long as these victims did not revere her.