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The Collaborative International Dictionary

filbert \fil"bert\, n. [Perh. fr. fill + bread, as filling the bread or husk; cf. G. bartnuss (lit., bread nut) filbert; or perh. named from a St.Philibert, whose day, Aug. 22, fell in the nutting season.]

  1. (Bot.) The fruit of the Corylus Avellana or Corylus maxima, also called the hazel; the hazelnut. It is an oval nut, containing a kernel that has a mild, farinaceous, oily taste, agreeable to the palate.

    Note: In England filberts are usually large hazelnuts, especially the nuts from selected and cultivated trees. The American hazelnuts are of two other species, Corylus Americana and Corylus cornuta, and are also sometimes called filberts.

  2. (Bot.) The tree bearing the filbert; the hazelnut tree.

    Filbert gall (Zo["o]l.), a gall resembling a filbert in form, growing in clusters on grapevines. It is produced by the larva of a gallfly ( Cecidomyia).

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"hazelnut," late 14c., from Anglo-French philber (late 13c.), from Norman dialect noix de filbert, in reference to St. Philbert, 7c. Frankish abbot, so called because the hazel nuts ripen near his feast day, Aug. 22 (Old Style). Weekley compares German Lambertsnuss "filbert," associated with St. Lambert (Sept. 17); also German Johannisbeere "red currant," associated with St. John's Day (June 24). The saint's name is Old High German Filu-berht, literally "very bright."


n. 1 The hazelnut. 2 The hazel tree. 3 A paintbrush used in oil and acrylic painting with a long ferrule and a curving, tongue-shaped head.

  1. n. small nut-bearing tree much grown in Europe [syn: cobnut, Corylus avellana, Corylus avellana grandis]

  2. nut of any of several trees of the genus Corylus [syn: hazelnut, cobnut, cob]


Filbert can mean the following:

  • Corylus maxima, a species of hazelnut
  • Filbert is an alternative name for a hazelnut
  • Filbert, South Carolina
  • Filbert, West Virginia
  • Filburt, a character of the TV show Rocko's Modern Life
  • Filbert the Fox, Leicester City Football Club's Mascot
  • Filbert paintbrush, a type of artist's brush that has an ovoid tip which resembles a hazelnut
  • Filbert the Worm, a fictional character on the comic strip US Acres
  • Philbert Frog, British animated series

Usage examples of "filbert".

It had peanuts, pecans, pistachios, almonds, cashews, Brazil, acorns, macadamia, walnut, chestnut, pine, beechnut, filbert, hickory, mixed.

One is cutting up liver and what would be flead if the Moors ate pigs, into pieces about the size of a filbert.

Add one cup of unblanched almonds and one cup of toasted filberts, both chopped fine.

Stir in a cup of sifted flour, half a teaspoon of salt, a cup of chopped filberts, and a cup of semisweet chocolate in small chunks.

The waiter returned with their drinks and a bowl of filberts, then departed.

Using a wide frying pan, toast the filberts over medium heat, stirring frequently, until they emit a nutty smell, about 5 to 10 minutes.

Barrows piled high with crocks of olives, bunches of dried fish, boxes of filberts, trays of fried cuttlefish, mounds of cheeses .

A saucer of shelled filberts stood near his elbow, and from time to time he picked up one of these in a great thumb and forefinger and put it between his teeth.

Tearing towards the fire, knocking the cat from the back of the chair he ran his arm along the mantelshelf in a single powerful sweep sending porcelain figures, the clock and a bowl of filberts crashing into the stone-flagged hearth.

He gnawed used matches as he worked and, occasionally emerging to cross in front of the veranda to the side door of the villa, would grin at Adam a macabre grin of filbert teeth and matchsticks protruding between them like the limbs of tiny prey.

Martins and finches, goatskins and ram skins, dates, filberts, walnuts, salted sturgeon tails, round pepper, ginger, saffron, cloves, nutmegs, spike, cardamoms, scammony, manna, lac, zedoary, incense, quicksilver, copper, amber, pounding pearls, borax, gum arabic, sweetmeats, gold wire, wines, dragon's blood rubies, loaded dice, and beautiful dancing girls.

Quiston and Caleb had been duck hunting the day before, and we'd had two mallards and a widgeon for supper, stuffed with rice and filberts.

There are no forests there, only clumps of willow, black poplar, and European alder with some mixture of filbert, maple, pear, and apple.

Signe called a question, which was in character, and the driver told them what they carried: shelled filberts, nut oil and smoked salmon-the runs were improving on the Columbia since the dams at Bonneville and The Dalles broke, but not very far up the Willamette as yet.