The Collaborative International Dictionary
Filamentous \Fil`a*men"tous\, a. [Cf. F. filamenteux.]
Like a thread; consisting of threads or filaments.
a. Having the form of threads or filaments; filamented.
adj. thin in diameter; resembling a thread [syn: filiform, filamentlike, threadlike, thready]
Usage examples of "filamentous".
The sexual generation is always a leafy plant, which is not developed directly from the spore but is borne on a well-marked and usually filamentous protonema.
Usually the protonema is filamentous and ceases to be evident after the plants have developed.
The branched filamentous rhizoids which spring from the lower region of the stem also correspond to protonemal branches.
The protonema is usually filamentous, and in some of the simplest forms is long-lived, while the small plants borne on it serve mainly to protect the sexual organs and sporogonia.
In this moss the filamentous protonema is capable of assimilation, but the leaves of the small plants are destitute of chlorophyll, so that they are dependent on the protonema.
To admit of the free inflow and outflow of currents of water necessary for respiration, which is effected by means of filamentous abdominal tracheal gills, the two ends of the tube are open.
Ojo Caliente was constantly being reshaped and rebuilt, in places spongy, in other places cracked and hard and brittle, the stuff of geyserite: a hydrous form of silica, a variety of opal deposited in gray and white concretelike masses, porous, filamentous, and scaly.
Filamentous microfossils in a 3,235-million-year-old volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit.
A filamentous protonema is first developed, some of the branches of which are exposed to the light and contain abundant chlorophyll, while others penetrate the substratum as brown or colourless rhizoids.
Filamentous microfossils in a 3,235-million-year-old volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit.
It was a large filamentous virus that looked like a filoviridae with tiny, cilialike projections.
He mined their design from the living dust of Deception Well's nebula, storing the pattern in his fixed memory, a data vault contained within the filamentous strands of the Chenzeme neural organ that parasitizes his brain.