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figures out

vb. (en-third-person singular of: figure out)

Usage examples of "figures out".

He is betting only on horses that he personally figures out, and what happens is that Unser Fritz's figures suddenly come to life again, and he cannot do anything wrong.

If one of the pretty ladies opened it and dropped the figures out, why didn't she latch it again?

Then he figures out some other business to set up and someone else to run it for him.

Rearing out of the water to reach higher than the tallest mast, it crashed down on the deck to split the vessel clean in two, ragged planking embedded in its sides as it rose up again, blunt head darting this way and that to snap struggling figures out of the water.

I'd also, but more as a joke and not when I was sore, call him milliner, because he was always building weird figures out of old rags, and the peasants used them for scarecrows and stood them up in their wheat.

Up there among those hills lurked thousands of wolfish figures out of whose hearts and souls all emotion and hope had been scourged except a frenzied hate for their conquerors, a mad lust for vengeance.

I'd ride herd on every son of a bitch who plays loose with the government's coffers and figures out ways to get around the laws for a few million here and a few million there.

A maximum of 2,000 men was not nearly enough to carve these colossal figures out of the steel-hard volcanic stone with rudimentary tools, even if they worked day and night.

Then figures out of legend appeared in the doorways lining the hall, and the firefight was on, bullets against energy gouts.

And we find that in the whole inscription of the Tablet of the Cross there are 33 figures out of 108 that are made up in part of the human countenance.

It showed King Perasmon and President Harzin addressing a crowd from the center of a group of figures out on a balcony at the front of the Agracon.

Perry Rhodan, who knew how It had populated its planet with peculiar figures out of the past of Earth and other worlds, followed him calmly and a little amused.