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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ All he saw as he glanced at her was his little wife, shy as a fieldmouse, clinging to his hand.
▪ He came back in the evening, bringing Lyn a fieldmouse.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

fieldmouse \fieldmouse\, field mouse \field mouse\n.

  1. (Zo["o]l.) any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabing woods and fields and gardens.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) any mouse inhabiting fields, as the campagnol and the deer mouse. See Campagnol, and Deer mouse.


n. (alternative spelling of field mouse English)

  1. n. any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabiting woods and fields and gardens [syn: field mouse]

  2. [also: fieldmice (pl)]

Usage examples of "fieldmouse".

He listened apprehensively for small scuttering sounds — he had heard or read somewhere that fieldmice were great haystack fans.

She was just making a cup of coffee when Wandering Aengus, mewing horribly, padded in with a live fieldmouse in his mouth.

She missed, but Aengus was so startled he dropped the fieldmouse, which took refuge under the dresser.

At least when she went out to search for the fieldmouse it had run away.

It was only a small province, with fat cows and well-fed sheep, with hayricks and meadows of soft grass that sheltered rabbits and fieldmice.