Crossword clues for fidei
Fidei may refer to :
- Analogia fidei is a phrase found in Tertullian meaning rule of faith.
- Auctorem fidei is a magisterial document published in response to the synod of Pistoia.
- Fidei defensor is an originally Latin title which translates to Defender of the Faith in English and which has been used as part of the full style of many monarchs since the early 16th century.
- Fidei Promotor is a name given to the devil's advocate.
- Sensus fidei (sense of the faith) is the feeling for the true faith shared by all members of the Church
- Sinus Fidei is a small basaltic mare feature in the Terra Nivium region of the Moon.
- Uberrimae fidei is a Latin phrase meaning "most abundant faith", which is the name of a legal doctrine that governs insurance contracts.
Usage examples of "fidei".
Sed posteaquam nonnulli principes ex ea civitate et familiaritate Cingetorigis adducti et adventu nostri exercitus perterriti ad Caesarem venerunt et de suis privatim rebus ab eo petere coeperunt, quoniam civitati consulere non possent, veritus ne ab omnibus desereretur Indutiomarus legatos ad Caesarem mittit: Sese idcirco ab suis discedere atque ad eum venire noluisse, quo facilius civitatem in offlcio contineret, ne omnis nobilitatis discessu plebs propter imprudentiam laberetur: itaque esse civitatem in sua potestate, seseque, si Caesar permitteret, ad eum in castra venturum, suas civitatisque fortunas eius fidei permissurum.
Addunt etiam de Sabini morte: Ambiorigem ostentant fidei faciendae causa.
Commio, quem timor prohibebat cuiusquam fidei suam committere salutem.
It was addressed to Serenissimo Domino Nostro lohanni Quarto, Dci Gratia, Angliae, Franciae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, Novae Angliae et Novae Franciae, Rex, Imperatore, Fidei Defensor, .
The Church is supposed only to interest itself in Propaganda Fidei, and all this talk of left-wing and right-wing leaves me cold.
Propaganda Fidei, which runs all the missions, and since we are keen on missions, and make large contributions to same, they have pots of money, more than the other two put together, and are in nice financial balance, thanks.