Fichtner, Fiechtner, or any variant thereof is a surname originating from areas where German is spoken. Descendants of the Fichtner name are spread though Germany, Austria, Russian Empire (in particular Ukraine), Canada, the United States and Argentina.
Groups of Fichtners helped to colonize the early United States, with the emergence of Fichtners into Pennsylvania in the mid-1760s. Fichtners also settled in the Russian Empire as Catherine the Great opened up Russian lands to German settlement during her reign.
The name is common within modern Germany, specifically in southern Germany. Fichtners also remain in modern-day Ukraine and many live within the United States today, concentrated in the Midwest and Northwest.
Notable American Fichtners include Actor William Fichtner and Miss USA 1986 Christy Fichtner.
The Fichtners of Connecticut work primarily in technical and maintenance fields. Working mostly in IT and alternative energy industries.