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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Feu de joie

Feu de joie \Feu` de joie"\ [F., lit., fire of joy.] A fire kindled in a public place in token of joy; a bonfire; a firing of guns in token of joy.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
feu de joie

public bonfire, French, literally "fire of joy."

feu de joie

n. 1 (context obsolete English) A bonfire. 2 A celebratory salute made by firing guns into the air sequentially along a line.

Feu de joie

A feu de joie (French: "fire of joy") is a celebratory rifle salute, described as a "running fire of guns." As soldiers fire into the air sequentially in rapid succession, the cascade of blank rounds produces a characteristic "rat-tat-tat" effect.

It is used on rare landmark occasions of national rejoicing. During the 18th and 19th centuries, a feu de joie has celebrated a military victory or birthday. In recent years, it has marked the 80th Birthday and Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.