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The Collaborative International Dictionary

fetichism \fe"tich*ism\, Fetishism \Fe"tish*ism\ (? or ?); 277), n.[Cf. F. f['e]tichisme.] [Written also feticism.]

  1. The doctrine or practice of belief in fetiches.

  2. Excessive devotion to one object or one idea; abject superstition; blind adoration.

    The real and absolute worship of fire falls into two great divisions, the first belonging rather to fetichism, the second to polytheism proper.


n. (archaic form of fetishism English)

  1. n. a belief in the magical power of fetishes (or the worship of a fetish) [syn: fetishism]

  2. sexual arousal or gratification resulting from handling a fetish (or a specific part of the body other than the sexual organs) [syn: fetishism]

Usage examples of "fetichism".

Art and Religion spring from the same root, but coincide only at the outset, as in fetichism, the worship of the Black Stone of the Caaba, or the wonder-working Madonnas of Italy.