The Collaborative International Dictionary
Felt \Felt\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Felted; p. pr. & vb. n. Felting.]
To make into felt, or a feltike substance; to cause to adhere and mat together.
--Sir M. Hale.To cover with, or as with, felt; as, to felt the cylinder of a steam engine.
Felting \Felt"ing\, n.
The material of which felt is made; also, felted cloth; also, the process by which it is made.
The act of splitting timber by the felt grain.
n. 1 The production of felt from wool. 2 The hobby of making objects, such as soft toys, from felt. 3 Felt or similar material, usually impregnated with a water-resistant material, or the application of such material, usually to a roof. vb. (present participle of felt English)
Usage examples of "felting".
Cyrus Harding could have utilized the second fall which flowed into the Mercy to establish his motive power, the first being already occupied with moving the felting mill, but, after some consultation, it was decided that a simple windmill should be built on Prospect Heights.
In a hilly ravine he saw a stream dammed up to give power to a felting mill where featherpod fibers were made into batting for quilts.