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fell over

vb. (en-simple pastfall over)

Usage examples of "fell over".

So I descended to the basement and left by the back door and fell over a fence and took a taxi.

The old man jumped so violently that the bicycle slewed from his grip and fell over.

In it, water fell over a three-tiered white fountain that was sur rounded by circular stone walkways laid with flower beds.

The man fell over, and then the glass crashed as the fellow thrust the rifle through a cabin port.

The forehead above them was wide, and a few strands of golden hair fell over it.

Her hair, divided into four plaits, fell over her dazzling white shoulders, scarcely concealed by a veil of silk worked in gold, which fell from the back of a cap studded with gems of the highest value.

Han blasted her chest and shoulder, spinning her around so that she fell over the gurney.

Their hair, divided into a great number of small tresses, fell over their shoulders, and by means of black-and-blue incisions they had tattooed their cheeks from the temples to the mouth.

As he doffed his Muscovite cap, locks of thick curly hair fell over his broad, massive forehead.

The crucial incision made me roar out so loud that the surgeon fell over backwards.

She saw me stretched upon the table with my crucial incision, became still more terrified than her husband, and ran away and fell over him.

We bumped hard and I was going to kid him about it when the ship fell over.