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fell in

vb. (en-simple pastfall in)

Usage examples of "fell in".

It then fell in with a new current, which, blowing almost at right angles to the other, drove them eastward about sixty miles.

He'd chucked the papers out first, and when he went back for the butler, the roof fell in and he couldn't get through to him.

The water foamed as it fell in rapids and cataracts, which confirmed the doctor in his preconceived ideas on the subject.

The driver took his place beside it, and the four women, with their hoods drawn over their heads, fell in behind it weeping bitterly.

At one point he stumbled and fell in the mud, and while scrambling to his feet chanced a look behind him.

If one fell in, there was no telling where and when one might stop.

Over all, there fell in the season an extraordinary splendour of mellow moonshine.

Long ago, it seems, he fell in love with a native lady, a High Chiefess in Ua-pu.

A tale that I was told, a trifling incident that fell in my observation, depicts him in his two capacities.

She was Olympics material and was supposed to go to Russia for some trials but fell in love with a country-western singer named Tasha and gave up her chances to be recognized as a world-class athlete so she could be a go-fer for Tasha's band.

And then, without warning, she gave a shrill scream and fell in a dead faint.

Having readjusted my aim, I discharged my second missile, this time moat effectively, for with a flood of joy I listened as the creature fell in what sounded like a complete collapse and evidently remained prone and unmoving.

Gradually the fragments caught together re-united, heaving, rocking, dancing, falling back as in panic, but working their way home again persistently, making semblance of fleeing away when they had advanced, but always flickering nearer, a little closer to the mark, the cluster growing mysteriously larger and brighter, as gleam after gleam fell in with the whole, until a ragged rose, a distorted, frayed moon was shaking upon the waters again, re-asserted, renewed, trying to recover from its convulsion, to get over the disfigurement and the agitation, to be whole and composed, at peace.

Imagine seeing Luana for over a year before you fell in love with her!