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feel sorry for

vb. To pity, to show pity for.

Usage examples of "feel sorry for".

They figured, I told myself, that if they put Stinky in the ship, he might feel sorry for it, too, and do the same kind of job on it as he had done on Betsy.

I feel sorry for her, but her only hope is for me to let them capture me as they planned.

If you must go traipsing down to the Old Bailey, don't expect me to feel sorry for you.

I was about to say, of course I never expected Hilda to feel sorry for me, when the telephone rang.

Before they could begin to feel sorry for the miserable creature, the breath caught up to them as well.

In fact, the opposite sex didn't exist for their species, a thing that made most of the men in my lance claim to feel sorry for them.

I respect him immensely for what he's managed to do on his own, and I also feel sorry for him.