n. Any bulk raw material constituting the principal input for an industrial process.
Usage examples of "feedstock".
We trade them dried meat as well as hides and cloth, but in the old days before the trader we were afraid of being added to their feedstocks ourselves.
He came out into more midnight, on another narrow platform between the long row of cells and the huge tanks that stored feedstocks for the processing plants and the fluids kept ready to fit the varied needs of the staff and expected interstellar guests.
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia, 11:273 Raymond, Out of the Fiery Furnace (1984) Scurlock, Bioenergy Feedstock Characteristics, http://bioenergy.
The small growers were shipping the equivalent of more than half a million litres of synde bean oil feedstock a standard week.
It would get her out into the back country, where a lot of the feedstocks for the greenhouse gases were located.
Plastic plumbing pipe (PVC pipes) can be manufactured using renewable hemp cellulose as the chemical feedstocks, replacing non-renewable coal or petroleum-based chemical feedstocks.
Except that the feedstock for the Welsh single-cell protein factories was coal instead of oil shale, her world had been almost exactly like mine.
In the chemicals sub complex a range of compounds such as fertilizers, plastics, oils, fuels, and feedstocks for an assortment of dependent industries were also formed primarily by recombining reactants from the plasma state under conditions in which the plasma radiation was tuned to peak in a narrow frequency band that favored the formation of desired molecules and optimized yields without an excess of unwanted by-products.