v. be sustained by; "He fed on the great ideas of her mentor" [syn: feed upon]
Usage examples of "feed on".
I say hello to the wild gray bunny that comes out at dusk to feed on the grain spilled by the horses.
I rather think Jason would turn one or two loose to lead the vampire back here, then feed on the rest.
The room was lined with shelves of linens, amongst which scurried ratfinks - native rodent-like creatures who swarmed the Trooper installations and appeared to feed on linoleum wax and toenail parings.
Probably it wasn't sure whether Zane was alive and, like the Hot Smoke dragon, did not feed on carrion.
He stored away a haphazard mess of vegetation for it to feed on, as we could see when he stole our dermaphos.
We will feed on their increase, be clothed in their skins, and live exempt from the fatigues of the day and solicitude for the morrow.
Faced with the Scottish invaders, plus the Hollow Men-like ravens-ready to feed on a battlefield of corpses.
Ever since the outer universe came to Homeworld, such as you have been driven to feed on strange game and follow unknown scents.
He is able to live in the strongest swifts of the water: and, in summer, they love the shallowest and sharpest streams: and love to lurk under weeds, and to feed on gravel, against a rising ground.