a. (alternative spelling of feeble-minded English)
adj. retarded in intellectual development [syn: backward]
mentally deficient [syn: half-witted, slow-witted]
Usage examples of "feebleminded".
Longarm replied in a soothing tone, now that he saw he was dealing with either a feebleminded gal or a good actress.
She asked her housekeeper if the feebleminded kid was lying slugabed upstairs.
Once I got to wondering why an Irish Catholic gal would pray Protestant, I naturally got to wondering if she was a feebleminded gal named Maureen Cassidy or somebody else entirely.
Three ladies sitting there, sir, one crippled and feebleminded, another crippled and hunchbacked, the third not a cripple, but too smart, sir, a student, longing to go back to Petersburg and search for the rights of the Russian woman, there on the banks of the Neva.
Maybe she had tried to buy a child on one of her tripsso many people did, and the kids turned out so badly sometimes: feebleminded, diseased, crazy, the wrong color, with faked IDs and misleading medical histories.
Let us both live forever, in sickness and health, feebleminded, doddering, toothless, liver-spotted, dim-sighted, hallucinating.
Federation of Feebleminded Friends reminding you that your annual subscription is due .
By and by the more difficult forms of metre are outlined, until at length a feebleminded child can make out a sonnet, completely equipped with its four pairs of rhymes in the first section and its three pairs in the second part.
These rebels, the Reverend Starbuck decided, were demonstrably feebleminded and doubtless morally infantile.
He seemed not to blink, like a camp refugee or feebleminded ward of state.
He is a rather quaint fellow on the whole, coy though not feebleminded in the medical sense.
We have so far advanced in civilization that we no longer think of turning the insane, the sick, the feebleminded, over to the care of men without training chosen by the chance of politics.
Instead, they were propped up like welfare clients, and princelings who should have been culled were encouraged to breed like rabbits-bleeders, feebleminded, you name it.