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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fee-faw-fum \Fee`-faw`-fum"\, n. A nonsensical exclamation attributed to giants and ogres; hence, any expression calculated to impose upon the timid and ignorant. ``Impudent fee-faw-fums.''
--J. H. Newman.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

exclamation of the giant in "Jack the Giant-Killer," c.1600.


n. 1 (non-gloss definition: A nonsensical exclamation attributed to giants and ogres.) 2 (context by extension English) Any expression calculated to impose upon the timid and ignorant.

Usage examples of "fee-faw-fum".

I figured that after an hour or so of digestion and this peaceful family scene I would make an effort to extract a little Latin lesson out of Wolfe, and find out whether Gebert really had said anything or if perchance Wolfe was only practicing some fee-faw-fum, but an interruption came before I had even decided on a method of attack.