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The Collaborative International Dictionary

federated \fed"er*at*ed\, adj. United by compact under a central organization, as governments or commercial organizations.

Syn: federate.

  1. united, as a federation, under a central government v

  2. (en-past of: federate)


adj. united under a central government [syn: federate]

Usage examples of "federated".

But it was primarily the mental relief that Damia sought so far away from her control Tower at the Federated Telepath and Teleport installation on Aurigae.

It was the utter peace of deep space she required as anodyne to the constant demands of her position as Psionic Prime, responsible for the flow of commerce and communication in this Sector of Federated Worlds, the Nine-Star League.

Furthermore, she was of the Raven Clan, bom into a tremendously talented family, carefully indoctrinated and trained to assume an execu tive role as the influence of Federated Worlds ex panded into new star systems, needing more Prime Talents.

Jeran took time out to assure himself that with sufficient rest his parents would recover, then he informed the Federated World Government of the event.

If Aygar was to be believed, and the barbed steel tip of his lance gave fair evidence of metal craftsmanship, they didn't need the Federated Sentient Planets.

As no known species that was inimical to the Federated Sentient Planets was capable of space travel, nothing short of the Others could have attacked the ARCT-10.

You cannot own a world which is still listed as unexplored in the Federated register.

Somewhere in the Federated Sentient Planets, a remedy for his condition could be found.

Under Federated rules and regulations, your people of the two generations raised here, have the right to whatever you have developed during your residence .

And I've some disks on the latest Federated Medical Review I can lend you, as well, to make up for that nap time.

And -- to be candid -- generally not by groups which are amenable to observing Federated Charter obligations as regards ecology, minority, and nonaggression.

The rest was sort of wars and power struggles, no different from what we have today in the Federated Planets, only more intense because it was limited to the one small planet and, generally, to one or two continents.

And, regularly, the matter of adequate warning systems still exercised the Fleet, Nine Star League Senior Senators - of all species - and all members of the Federated Telepath and Teleportation System.

And definitely there was safety in the numbers of Talented minds that could be counted in Federated Telepathy and Teleportation alone: not to mention the higher Talents in every other occupation that made use of psionic abilities.

The original installation had been considerably expanded when Federated Sentient Planets restricted habitation of Ballybran because of the planet's dangers.