A federacy is a form of government where one or several substate units enjoy considerably more independence than the majority of the substate units. To some extent, such an arrangement can be considered as similar to asymmetric federalism.
Usage examples of "federacy".
If the Federacy would attack this bedimmed colony and destroy it, Mari might be spared the consequences of their rashness, though he would die with the Shuhr.
As a sovereign government under the protectorship of the Interstellar Federacy .
Federacy was drafting a recommendation that Caroli evacuate it permanently.
RIA design from outsiders, Federacy and Home Forces alike, lest the nongifted worry that too much influence might make us untrustworthy.
On Alta IV, a planet she had never seen, the Interstellar Federacy had its regional capital.
If the Federacy would attack this bedimmed colony and destroy it, Mari might be spared the consequences of their rashness, though he would die with the Shuhr.
Proud of their culture, their noble heritage, and their independence, the N'Taians had no wish to traffic with the Federacy, which they saw as a sort of lowest common culture trying to reunite the backslid races.
People had been talking about phasing out cash since long before the Federacy began.