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n. (obsolete spelling of faith English)

Usage examples of "fayth".

Had Fayth found this first, they might have succeeded in passing it off as the Clachan Fala.

Fayth ran away some time ago and Wesley has been unmanageable for years.

When a word hath divers Significatons, that to be kept wch hath ben most commonly used by the most of the ancient Fathers being agreeable to the proprietie of ye place and the analogie of fayth.

Fayth drew a footlike peninsula off the far southwest of the Scottish side of the firth.

Quoth that burde to the burne, "Blame 3e disserue, Yghif 3e luf not that lyf that yghe lye nexte, Bifore alle the wy3e3 in the worlde wounded in hert, Bot if 3e haf a lemman, a leuer, that yow lyke3 better, And folden fayth to that fre, festned so harde That yow lausen ne lyst--and that I leue nouthe.

They told her they were tenants of the earl of Dornock and that his castle was due eastthe direction Fayth was traveling.

Fayth lunged for a Lochaber ax leaning against the wall, but he was quicker, grasping the neck of her tunic and jerking her back.