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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Favus \Fa"vus\, n. [L., honeycomb.]

  1. (Med.) A disease of the scalp, produced by a vegetable parasite.

  2. A tile or flagstone cut into an hexagonal shape to produce a honeycomb pattern, as in a pavement; -- called also favas and sectila.


n. 1 (context medicine English) A severe, chronic infection of ringworm. 2 A tile or flagstone cut into a hexagonal shape to produce a honeycomb pattern.


n. a contagious fungal infection of the scalp; occurs mainly in Africa and the Middle East

Usage examples of "favus".

The treatment of favus or scald-head should be commenced by shaving the hair off close to the scalp and washing the head thoroughly with soap and water.

Rayer, paroxysms of rage, unexpected and unwelcome news, diseases of the scalp such as favus, wounds of the head, habitual headache, over-indulgence of the sexual appetite, mercurial courses too frequently repeated, too great anxiety, etc.

They avoided passengers who seemed to be suffering from trachoma or favus.