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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fatuity \Fa*tu"i*ty\, n. [L. fatuitas, fr. fatuus foolish: cf. F. fatuit['e] Cf. Fatuous.] Weakness or imbecility of mind; stupidity.

Those many forms of popular fatuity.
--I Taylor.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, from Middle French fatuité (14c.), from Latin fatuitatem (nominative fatuitas) "foolishness, folly," from fatuus "foolish, insipid" (see fatuous).


n. weakness or imbecility of mind; stupidity.


n. a ludicrous folly; "the crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown's behavior" [syn: absurdity, fatuousness, silliness]

Usage examples of "fatuity".

Their work survives, and when you have assessed the monstrous flattery at its true worth, swept it aside and come down to the real facts of his life, you make the discovery that the proudest title their sycophancy could bestow and his own fatuity accept - Le Roi Soleil, the Sun-King - makes him what indeed he is: a king of opera bouffe.

Ransom remarked, in a tone in which it would have appeared to Henry Burrage, had he heard these words, that presumption was pushed to fatuity.

The senator, hearing that Mott was in the neighborhood, invited him to dinner one night, and the occasion could have become an icy one because Mott launched right into the fatuities of the campaign.

Science and technology seemed to have given ver everything ve could ask for: an escape from the poisoned bat-tieground of gender, a political movement worth fighting for, and even a quasi-religion-insane enough in its own way, but unlike most other science-friendly faiths, at least it wasn't a laboriously contrived synthesis of modern physics and some dog-eared historical relic: a mock truce like the fatuities of Quantum Buddhism, or the Church of the Revised Standard Judaeo-Christian Big Bang.

Coons were insufferably stupid to Miriam, so he thought they were to himself also, and he preached priggishly to Annie about the fatuity of listening to them.

As the hours passed, the woman, with her pudgy features and condescending puerilities, became for him a perfect symbol of middle-class fatuity and the commercial life.

And it can't be shrugged off as another instance of aristocratic fatuity.

A silly remark, Yeats thought, saved from fatuity only by the heaviness of the situation.