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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Fatherliness \Fa"ther*li*ness\, n. [From Fatherly.] The qualities of a father; parantal kindness, care, etc.


n. The property of being fatherly.


n. the benignity and protectiveness of or befitting a father; "the gentleness and fatherliness of the strange old man eased her fears" [syn: paternal quality]

Usage examples of "fatherliness".

Was it, she wondered, because of his fatherliness and her perception, perhaps, of some of the traits of her own father to whose loss she had never quite adjusted, even after five long years.

In his fatherliness he passes his feeble thoughts on to his thousands of students, perpetuating ignorance in grand fashion.

As before, I sensed in this strange man a fatherliness, an ability and willingness to provide comfort, friendship, guidance.

There was an insufferable suggestion of ripe old age and fatherliness in his attitude which she found irritating in the extreme.

In each moment, a man needs to exercise his understanding, brotherliness, fatherliness, patience, and tolerance in order to meet all situations with brightness and to make all situations comfortable for himself.