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fat of the land

n. (context idiomatic English) The greatest part of anything; the finest and most abundant share of resources; the cream of the crop.

Fat of the Land
  1. redirect The Fat of the Land

Usage examples of "fat of the land".

Even in economicsthe strongest, fastest, cleverest get the fat of the land, while the bulk of humanity exists on the dole, rotting in little stamped-out prefab apartments while a huge amount of government is devoted to keeping them fed and entertained with televisors, happy drugs, and the .

He slept o'nights on the scrubbing cushion in the back porch and lived on the fat of the land.

There were not only a host of construction workers, stone-masons, engineers and sailors, there were not only hundreds of thousands of slaves, but also a well-equipped army, a large and pampered priesthood, countless merchants, farmers and officials, and last but not least the Pharaonic household living on the fat of the land.

We have been living upon the fat of the land, Ahm, having shown us the edible fruits, tubers and herbs, and twice a week we go out after fresh meat.