Crossword clues for fastnacht
n. doughnut traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday
Fastnacht (Pennsylvania Dutch)
Fastnacht Day is an annual Pennsylvania Dutch celebration that falls on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. The word translates to "Fast Night" in English. The tradition is to eat the very best foods, which are part of the German tradition, and lots of it, before the Lenten fast. Fastnachts (pronounced fost-nokts in German) are doughnuts. There are three types of Fastnachts, one made with yeast, one made with baking powder, and one made with potatoes and yeast. All are slightly crispy on the outside and not as sweet as standard doughnuts.
Usage examples of "fastnacht".
During Fastnacht, the carnival season, it’s a tradition in Basel to turn off all the town lights until 3:00 A.